Flock House TV

On July 13th, 14th, and 22nd we set up a livestream from the Flock House installation in DUMBO. Artists, engineers, and environmentalists with alternative systems for living and working were invited to talk about their work and demonstrate the systems within the Flock House. Recording Flock House TV was an experiment where we used only sustainable energy to power the equipment, including solar power and bike generators to charge batteries. We used the free wireless in the park, and got access to a few wireless networks from nearby businesses as well for the livestream, which was broadcast on Huffpost Arts.



The Flock House and a Dominican Schoolroom

Lonny Grafman
Leveraging local resources to build resilient school rooms, homes and communities. Site


Gardening, Cooking and Eating

Amanda McDonald Crowley
A cooking show with ingredients harvested straight from the Flock House gardens. Site



The Flock House Project

Mary Mattingly
A group of self-contained ecosystems migrating around New York City's five boroughs. Site


Power and Water

Rand Weeks
A demonstration of power systems and a discussion of bio- and phyto-remediation, clean water and shoreline restoration.


The Rhythmanalysis Lab

Brian House
Flock House is collaborating with The Rhythmanalysis Lab on a sensor system that will monitor the activity of each habitat unit. Data are continuously recorded via a network of wireless, low-power sensors, and are mapped temporally to reveal diurnal patterns and the rhythmic counterpoint among the unit's living systems and the surrounding environment. Site


Introduction to the World of Groucho Fractal

Scott Beibin
Groucho Fractal is a live performance and webcast featuring eco-engineering, open source philosophies, and emerging technologies with silly dance moves and tasty raw vegan treats. We'll talk about the show's origin, and demonstrate a bike-powered video projector. Site


Signal Strength

Amelia Marzec
Signal Strength is a project to advance mobile democracy. It consists of modules for ad-hoc social networking that let people in an urban area interact offline, leveraging their mobile phones for untraceable communications. We'll discuss free networks and their place within a sustainable living system. Site



Jackson Moore
Moss is a musical pidgin language that has the potential to evolve into natural language, where the distinctive features are not phonetic, but melodic. We'll discuss how music is a practical instrument for communication, where the musician is not a performer but a musical citizen. Site



NJ Expeditions and Salt

Jon Cohrs
A expedition into urban wetlands in New Jersey and a look at the recycled pharmaceuticals raises questions about how we define wilderness. We'll talk about these two projects, Chernobyl, the DMZ line and the experiences of working out in these questionable wilderness environments. Site